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125 years of innovation, inspiration and impact

As the oldest law school in Southern California, and pioneer of interdisciplinary and experiential legal education, USC Gould carries a longstanding legacy of leadership. From students and alumni, to faculty and staff, we work each day to advance justice and make a meaningful impact in people’s lives, locally and globally.

We are the proud home to an outstanding community, set apart by its sense of togetherness and its unique dedication to one another. Join the Gould Trojan Family in celebrating this historic milestone!

Join the Celebration


Trailblazing Women in Law School Leadership

The USC Gould School of Law and Dean Franita Tolson are pleased to host a special panel conversation, “Trailblazing Women in Law School Leadership,” on March 31 at 12 p.m. PT. This event spotlights the inspiring careers of distinguished USC Gould alumnae recognized for their innovation and impact in legal education:

  • Lisa Kloppenberg JD ’87 – Professor of Law and Dean Emerita, and previously Acting President and Provost, of Santa Clara University
  • LaVonda Reed JD ’97 – Dean of University of Baltimore School of Law
  • Brietta Clark JD ’99 – Dean of LMU Loyola Law School

The program will include a special message from Ninth Circuit Senior Judge and former Gould Dean Dorothy W. Nelson, who will be accepting the USC Gould 125th Anniversary Luminary Award, in honor of her leadership, service and courage in lighting new paths for others.

This event will take place in-person in LAW room 7, and via Zoom.

For questions, please email: [email protected]

Marking the Milestone


Decades of Prominence

In 1896 a group of ambitious apprentices formed "a school of permanent character" to educate lawyers of exceptional quality. Los Angeles Law School was incorporated soon after and joined USC in 1900.

Today, Gould students and alumni proudly carry on our tradition of innovation, equity and excellence. 

Explore milestones from USC Gould's 125 years.

My most indelible memory of USC Law was my class in conflict resolution with Dorothy Wright Nelson of the Ninth Circuit and our former dean.

She opened doors for me all the way along my career as a law clerk, law professor, dean, provost, and then acting president of Santa Clara University. Thank you, Judge Nelson and USC Law.

– Lisa Kloppenberg, JD 1987
One of my favorite memories from USC Gould occurred in my second year... the dean told me, 'You know what Justin? We have high expectations of you.'

And for me, knowing that a dean of a major law school like USC Gould had high expectations for me was a challenge that I accepted. A challenge to work harder, to be the best that I could. It's something that stayed with me throughout my entire career.

– Justin Sanders, JD 2000
My time at Gould was one the most amazing periods of my educational journey.

I learned and grew into the attorney I am today with the guidance of not only the amazing professors but also students. It’s so nice to see how everyone is readily available to help you in your journey!

– Aadhya Ishani, LLM 2022
My favorite part of my law school experience was participating in the Post-Conviction Justice Project,

where law students had an opportunity to represent women serving life sentences, often in relation to crimes they committed against people who were abusing them and committing violent acts against them. I had a chance to represent two women at their parole hearings and I had the remarkable opportunity to have both of those women actually secure their parole and be freed from prison while I was working with them.

– Jenny Farrell, JD 2011
I've been here for 39 years [with Faculty Support and PCJP]. My most inspiring moment as part of the Gould community is the camaraderie with the staff.

If I didn't know something, I could always go to a staff member and ask and somebody always knows the answer. You can always get help from anyone here... I've made lifelong friends here at Gould.

– Michelle Jones, USC Gould Staff
My favorite memory at Gould was taking LAW 220, The Legal Profession.

Every single week, there were different speakers who graduated from this law school. It was very inspiring to see how many successful people come from Gould and how they all have made a change in a legal field.

– Nathan Castillo, BS Legal Studies Class of 2026
The memory that is indelibly etched in my memory bank from law school, is during our first year, my classmate Michael Greene and I formed a draft counseling center in the student union building

where we advised hundreds of USC students as to their rights under the selective service system, right at the heat of the Vietnam War. Both Dean Nelson of the law school and President Hubbard gave us their support and encouragement, and both Michael and I were very proud of what we did during those years in counseling students.

– Bruce Karatz, JD 1970
As I reflect on my time at USC Gold, I feel grateful to my fellow classmates who provided levity, fun, and support throughout law school.

I feel fortunate to have had such caring and provocative professors who gave me a first-rate legal education. As a student, I was a beneficiary of the Trojan Network. Now, as an alum, I feel very fortunate to have an opportunity to give back to USC Gould, which provided me with an excellent foundation that served me well throughout my legal career.

– Karen Wong, JD 1986
I hope the spirit of community and the connectivity between faculty, students and alumni that make Gould so special endure for another 125 years.
– Tom Hopkins, JD 1993

My Gould Moment

As part of our 125th anniversary celebration, we want to know what makes the USC Gould community special to you — the people, the places, the memories, the mentorship, the encouragement and support.  Share your “My Gould Moment” with us!

Selected submissions will be featured on Gould’s social media. Follow us on Instagram: @USCGouldLaw

As we embark on our 125th anniversary, we celebrate and reflect on the fact that USC Gould is unique, having done so much in the century-plus to change the face of legal education.

We are the home of clinical education and the home of interdisciplinary education. While that is a very strong foundation, this milestone is also an opportunity to think about more ways that we will innovate moving forward.

 — Franita Tolson
Dean and Carl Mason Franklin Chair in Law

Strengthening our Community Together

Help USC Gould carry on its legacy of excellence in legal education by supporting key initiatives.

Life-Changing Scholarships

Your support of need-based scholarships helps reducing critical financial barriers for the nation’s best students from all backgrounds. Need-based scholarships supplement the law school’s merit-based awards, strengthening the impact of Gould’s scholarship program. 

Transformative New Building

Contribute to shaping USC Gould’s future by supporting the law school’s new building. The new facility will be student-serving and state-of-the-art, featuring new classrooms, gathering spaces and functions to enhance the student learning experience. 

Stories of Innovation, Inspiration & Impact

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