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2010 CLEO Working Paper Series

USC Gould School of Law

2010 CLEO Working Paper Series

C10-1 Edward D. Kleinbard, Tax Expenditure Framework Legislation.

C10-2 Lucian A. Bebchuk and Ehud Kamar, Bundling and Entrenchment.

C10-3 John G. Matsusaka and Richard L. Hasen, Aggressive Enforcement of the Single Subject Rule.

C10-4 Edward D. Kleinbard, The Congress Within the Congress: How Tax Expendigures Distort Our Budget and Our Political Process (forthcoming in 36 Ohio Northern Univ. L. Rev. 1 (2010)).

C10-5 Anthony Bertelli and Peter John, Performance Measurement as a Political Discipline Mechanism.

C10-6 Edward D. Kleinbard, An American Dual Income Tax: Nordic Precedents (forthcoming 5 Northwestern J. L. & Soc. Pol'y 41 (2010)).

C10-7 Gillian Hadfield, Law for a Flat World: Legal Infrastructure and the New Economy.

C10-8 Nina Walton, Delegated Monitoring: When Can Boards Rely on Outside Experts?

C10-9 Gregory C. Keating, Reasonableness and Rationality in Negligence Theory (48 Stanford L. Rev. 311 (1995-1996)).

C10-10 Jonathan M. Barnett, Intellectual Property as a Law of Organization.

C10-11 Gregory C. Keating, Is Tort a Remedial Institution?

C10-12 Nina Walton, On the Optimal Allocation of Power Between Shareholders and Managers.

C10-13 Edward Kleinbard, Constitutional Kreplach (Tax Notes, Aug. 16, 2010, pp. 755-762).

C10-14 George Lefcoe, Competing for the Next Hundred Million Americans: The Uses and Abuses of Tax Increment Financing (43 Urban Lawyer 427 (2011)).

C10-15 Jonathan M. Barnett, The Host's Dilemma: Strategic Forfeiture in Platform Markets for Informational Goods (forthcoming in Harvard L. Rev. 2010).

C10-16 Colin H. McCubbins and Mathew D. McCubbins, Proposition 13 and The California Fiscal Shell Game.

C10-17 Gillian K. Hadfield and Barry R. Weingast, What is Law? A Coordination Model of the Characteristics of Legal Order.

C10-18 Gillian K. Hadfield, Producing Law for Innovation (forthcoming in Kauffman Task Force for Law, Innovation and Growth, Rules for Growth (2011)).