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Spring 2002 Workshop

USC Gould School of Law
January 25Annelise Riles, (Northwestern University School of Law), Topic: "The Network Inside Out,", with commentaries by Doug Thomas (USC, Annenberg) and Nomi Stolzenberg (USC, Law)
March 6Brenda Stevenson, (USC, History Department), Topic: "LaTasha Harlins, Joyce Karlin and Soon Da Ju: A Case Study"
March 20Peggy Kamuf, (USC, French and Italian Department), Topic: "Democracy's Fiction: Everything, Anything, and Nothing at All"
March 26Vicki Schultz, (Yale Law School), Topic: "The Sanitized Workplace" co-sponsored by the USC Law School Faculty Workshop
April 5Michael Klarman (University of Virginia, Law School), Topics: "Neither Hero, Nor Villain: The Supreme Court, Race, and the Constitution in the 20th Century" co-sponsored by the USC Law School Faculty Workshop