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5G and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Competition Policy in the Internet of Things

USC Gould School of Law • February 22, 2024
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Professor Jonathan Barnett has co-edited, and contributed to, a new book that combines the insights of leaders in patent and competition policy to help build a foundation for innovation policy as 5G communications technology continues to transform industries across the globe.

The book, “5G and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Competition Policy in the Internet of Things” (Cambridge University Press, 2023), co-edited by Professor Sean O’Connor of George Mason University, combines the expertise of legal and economic researchers, industry experts in patent licensing, and prominent former policymakers, including two directors of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, a former commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, and a former commissioner of the International Trade Commission.

“The book is designed to provide an empirically and economically informed foundation for policymakers in the U.S., E.U., and other jurisdictions in designing competition and intellectual property policies that promote growth and innovation as we transition to the wireless-enabled Internet of Things that will encompass a broad range of industries from communications to automotive and more,” says Barnett, director of the Media, Entertainment and Technology Law program at USC Gould. “Toward this end, the book prioritizes evidence-based policy solutions grounded in the decades-long historical record of global licensing markets in wireless technologies.”

The book is available in open access digital format through Cambridge University Press (5G and Beyond ( and in hard-copy format through various booksellers.


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