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5th Annual J.D./LL.M. Partnership Program Commences

USC Gould School of Law • October 18, 2012
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Students build ties outside the classroom 

By Kelsey Schreiberg

J.D. students and international LL.M. (Master of Laws) students met recently, highlighting the intersection of culture and law at USC Gould. More than 180 students attended the J.D./LL.M. Partnership Program’s kick-off lunch, hosted by the International Law and Relations Organization.

JD LLM Event
J.D. and LL.M Partnership Program

The goal of the partnership program is to promote a sense of community among the diverse student body at the law school. J.D. and LL.M. students are divided into groups based on common interests, and each group becomes a support network throughout the school year.

Rosana Padilla-Martinez, Associate Director for Gradate & International Programs, says the benefits of the partnership are twofold.

“The goal is to connect J.D.s and LL.M.s so that they can exchange information and experiences,” she said.  “LL.M.s teach J.D.s about their home countries and educational backgrounds, and J.D.s teach LL.M.s more about the American education system.”

LL.M. students have already attained an undergraduate law degree from their home countries, and come to study at USC for the year. For many, the program marks the students’ first experience in the United States.

JD LLM Event
J.D. and LL.M Partnership Program

Yue Han, from China, came to Los Angeles for the first time in July.

“I want to take this opportunity to meet local people and know more about the culture here,” she said.

The partnership program makes it easier for LL.M. students to establish friendships with JD students.
“It lessens the language barrier and eases the social pressure,” Padilla-Martinez said.  

While LL.M. students are seeking familiarity in a new environment, J.D.s are looking to broaden their horizons.

“I wanted to get to know other classmates I wouldn’t normally get the chance to know,” Socorro Moraza, a 2L, said.

Irma Vargas, also a 2L, echoed Moraza’s enthusiasm. She is looking forward to introducing LL.M.s to the city she grew up in and encouraged her group’s members to explore the greater Los Angeles area.

 J.D. and LL.M Partnership Program

“Here, you can do anything,” she said.

Throughout the past five years, the J.D./LL.M. Partnership Program has become both a personal and professional asset.

“Students are able to network with LL.M.s who are already practicing law in other countries,” Karishma Hirani ’14, Vice-President of International Law and Relations Board, said.

“The world is becoming smaller and [their network] will be valuable in the future.”

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