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PILF Auction Tops 2011 Donations

USC Gould School of Law • February 7, 2012
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By James Bradicich
Photos by Maria Iacobo

USC Law students, faculty and alumni enjoyed a memorable night of casino games and silent and live auctions at the 2012 Public Interest Law Foundation’s (PILF) Casino Royale auction. 

The 22nd annual event raised more than $30,000 for summer grants for law students while entertaining approximately 400 guests.
“We’ve been working on this from June of last year, so to see it all come together was personally gratifying,” said Jasmyn Jones ‘13, PILF’s fundraising chair. “The event was a great success and we raised a large amount of money for a great cause.”
A USC Law student with Dean Rasmussen
All proceeds from the event will fund summer grants allowing law students to work in a variety of public interest organizations this coming summer. Last year, PILF funded grants for 32 USC Law students and with $6,000 more in funds this year, PILF plans on funding even more grants.
Grant recipients work for non-profit organizations and government agencies. Past recipients have worked throughout the state, country, and other countries, providing legal assistance to individuals and communities that are unable to afford legal representation.
Due to PILF’s efforts, USC students have obtained legal relief for the homeless, abused children, low-income working families, undocumented immigrants and refugees and many other vulnerable populations.
A highlight from the event was when Professor Jody David Armour auctioned off a VIP party at his home, which sold to the highest bidder for $1,900.
Other big-ticket items included a signed jersey from former USC football star and current quarterback for the New York Jets Mark Sanchez, a signed script, book and photo from the cast of the television sit-com Parks and Recreation and wine tasting at the home of Dean Robert K. Rasmussen and Professor Rebecca Brown.

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