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Teen Court offers second chance

USC Gould School of Law • April 20, 2007
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Juvenile offenders meet with La Raza before jury deliberations at USC Law

Students from Manual Arts High School came to USC Law April 18 for Teen Court, a juvenile diversion program for first-time offenders. La Raza Law Students Association and O'Melveny & Myers sponsored the annual visit.

Teen Court at USC LawThe students toured the law school and spent time with members of La Raza before attending jury deliberations in the Ackerman Courtroom. Teen Court provides an opportunity for rehabilitation and a second chance. Juvenile defendants who fully comply with their probationary sentences are able to avoid establishing a permanent juvenile record. They also are asked to participate as a juror in future Teen Court events.

Teen Court is run in conjunction with the Los Angeles Superior Court, Los Angeles County Probation Department, Manual Arts High School, and O’Melveny & Myers. Trials generally are held once a month at Manual Arts High School.

Teen Court at USC LawTeen Court at USC Law

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