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USC Gould School of Law • June 26, 2018
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Contact: Gilien Silsby, USC Gould School of Law News Service, (213) 740-9690 (office) (213) 500-8673 (cell) or [email protected]  


U.S. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP’S TRAVEL BANUSC LEGAL EXPERTS AVAILABLE NIELS FRENZEN, USC Law Professor and director of USC’s Immigration Clinic, can discuss the legal forces behind immigrant policy change. Frenzen is an expert on immigration law, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and immigration detention practices. Frenzen may be reached at (213) 842-2526 (cell) or (213) 740-8933 (office)JEAN REISZ, USC Law Clinical Teaching Fellow, who co-teaches the Immigration Clinic, can discuss the legal forces behind immigrant policy change. Reisz may be reached at (626) 993-7611 (cell) or (213) 821-3108 (office).SAM ERMAN, USC Law Professor, is a constitutional law expert, who clerked for two U.S. Supreme Court justices: Anthony Kennedy and John Paul Stevens. Erman is an expert on constitutional law, race, and religion. Erman may be reached at (734) 717-2642 (cell after 10:30 a.m.)NOMI STOLZENBERG, USC Law Professor, is an expert on law and religion and cultural pluralism. She can discuss the establishment clause argument as well as legal forces behind immigrant policy change. Stolzenberg may be reached at ((310) 308-4471 (cell).

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