Contact: USC Law News Service, (213) 740-9690
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Circuit Judge and FTC Commissioner to speak
at USC Law’s 2010 Intellectual Property Institute
at USC Law’s 2010 Intellectual Property Institute
WHO: Second Circuit Judge Pierre N. Leval and Federal Trade Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch will give keynote addresses. Leval will open the morning sessions with a discussion of fair use of copyrighted material. Rosch’s speech during the IP Institute Luncheon will focus on potential antitrust liability for single firm behavior in the IP Context.
The USC Gould School of Law will host its annual 2010 Intellectual Property Institute, featuring top legal experts and business people. The one-day conference will spotlight key issues in patent, copyright, trademark and related fields. USC Law Intellectual Property Institutes are renowned both for their practicality and for their high-level academic discussion.WHO: Second Circuit Judge Pierre N. Leval and Federal Trade Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch will give keynote addresses. Leval will open the morning sessions with a discussion of fair use of copyrighted material. Rosch’s speech during the IP Institute Luncheon will focus on potential antitrust liability for single firm behavior in the IP Context.
Additional speakers of note include Federal Circuit Chief Judge Paul R. Michel, U.S. Copyright Office General Counsel David O. Carson and Apple General Counsel Bruce Sewell.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 23, 2010.
WHERE: The Beverly Hills Hotel, 9641 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90210.
COST: Free for the media. Cost is $450 before March 5 and $495 after March 5. Full-time law students pay $100. Other group and recent graduate discounts are available.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 23, 2010.
WHERE: The Beverly Hills Hotel, 9641 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90210.
COST: Free for the media. Cost is $450 before March 5 and $495 after March 5. Full-time law students pay $100. Other group and recent graduate discounts are available.
MORE INFORMATION, PROGRAM SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION: Call USC Law School’s Continuing Legal Education office at (213) 743-1772 or visit