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Course Descriptions

Arbitration Advocacy LAW-824

This course will cover key legal principles important to the practice of arbitration in a variety of transactions and settings. Students will learn how to prepare for and conduct an arbitration hearing from the commencement of the process through the rendition of an arbitration award including the pre-hearing conference, development of a procedural order, setting a timetable for arbitration, dealing with discovery issues, delivering an opening statement, presenting testimony, delivering a closing statement and handling post-award issues. The course will provide the skills to identify and handle issues likely to arise during the course of an arbitration and to understand how arbitration differs from litigation in the judicial forum. Additionally, students will learn effective mediation techniques especially applicable during the course of an arbitration. Potential ethical dilemmas and solutions will also be addressed.

Course Details
Units 1, 2
Grading Options Numeric or CR/D/F
Exam Type
Writing Requirement No
Skills/Experiential Requirement Yes

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