The Legislative Policy Practicum provides students with an opportunity to participate in real-world advocacy on criminal and youth justice issues. Students will observe and participate in many facets of the legislative and regulatory processes and policy advocacy, and should be available to travel to Sacramento for hearings and meetings with legislators. Students will be directly involved in the legislative process in some or all of the following ways: Strategic Policy Advocacy Students may be asked to (1) identify potential areas for juvenile justice reform; (2) research and evaluate potential legislative solutions; (3) develop short-term and long-term strategies for the implementation of proposed reforms. The Legislative Process Students may be asked to (1) research and draft legislative language for a proposed bill; (2) respond to proposed amendments and opposition to the bill; (3) research related law, policies, and practices, (4) develop and draft legislative testimony; (5) collaborate with stakeholders; (6) work with people who have direct/personal experience of the issue the class is working on; support; (7) conceive and implement messaging tools; (8) work directly with legislators and staff; and (8) work on a currently bill currently pending the California state legislature.