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Spring 2007 Workshop

USC Gould School of Law
January 18Martha Minow, (Harvard Law School), Topic:
"Tolerance in An Age of Terrorism"
January 31Susanna Blumenthal, (University of Michigan Law School), Topic: "The Default Legal Person"
February 14Susan Lape, (USC Classics Dept.), Topic: "Before Race: Theorizing Athenian Citizen Identity"
February 28Alejandro de la Fuente, (U. Pittsburgh History Department), Topic: "Slaves and the Creation of Legal Rights in Cuba: Coartación and Papel"
March 19Naomi Mezey, (Georgetown Law School), Topic: "The Paradox of Cultural Property"
April 4Carolyn Ramsay, (U. of Colorado Law School), Topic: "Scrutinizing the Historical Basis of Material Witness Detention"
April 12John Litvak, (Tufts University), Topic: "UnAmericans"
April 18Kif Augustine-Adams, (BYU Law School), Topic: "Making Mexico: Mexican Nationality, Chinese Race, and the 1930 Population Census"
May 1Samuel Fleischacker, (University of Illinois-Chicago, Dept. of Philosophy), Topic: "What Exactly is a 'Right to Welfare'?