Deborah Kamen (University of Washington), Topic: "Buying Freedom? Slave-Prostitutes and Legal Fictions in Ancient Greece."
February 6
Christelle Fischer-Bovet (University of Southern California), Topic: "Social unrest in Ptolemaic Egypt and in the Seleucid Empire: Balancing ethnic and socio-economic solidarities."
February 21
The 11th Law and Humanities Distinguished Lecture, Robert Gordan (Stanford Law School), Title: Markets, Morals, and Lawyers." Location: Town & Gown, Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Reception to follow. Please rsvp to [email protected].
March 6
Diana Williams (USC History & Law), Topic: "Plessy's Peers: Racial Determination and the Jim Crow Jury."
March 13
Jackie Stevens (Northwestern University), Topic: "We Citizens: Hannah Arendt and the Conundrums of the Nation-State."
April 3
Sam Erman (Harvard Law School Berger Fellow), Topic: "Reconstruction and Empire: Legacies of the U.S. Civil War and Puerto Rico Struggles for Home Rule, 1898-1917."
April 10
Brian Klopotek (University of Oregon), Topic: "Indian on Both Sides: Indigenous Identities, Race, and National Borders."
April 24
Nayan Shah (USC American Studies), Topic: "Stranger Intimacy: Contesting Race, Sexuality, and the Law in the North American West."