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Calendar: Events 2002-2003

USC Gould School of Law


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FALL 2002

September 18Workshop Stuart Banner (UCLA Law School), "Manhattan for $24: American Indian Land Sales, 1607-1763"

October 1

Workshop Gillian Brown (Univ. of Utah, English Dept.), "Thinking in the Future Perfect: Consent and Minority Rights"

October 25Workshop Peter Brooks (Dept. of Comp. Lit. & French, Yale), "Inevitable Discovery"

November 11Workshop Ron Harris (Tel Aviv University, One Week Visitor), (co-sponsored by CLEO), "The Uses of History in Law and Economics"

November 13Workshop Ron Harris (Tel Aviv University, One Week Visitor), Round Table Discussion, Topic: "Corporate Personality and Corporate Culture: History and Ethics"

November 14Discussion Ron Harris (Tel Aviv University, One Week Visitor), Topic: "Jewish Democracy and Arab Politics"A Lecture and Discussion with USC Students and Faculty based on Professor Harris' work on the History of the El-Ard Movement.



January 24Workshop Tamar Herzog (Univ. of Chicago, History Dept.), (co-sponsored by History Department), Topic: "Good Immigrants/Bad Immigrants: Defining a Spanish Community in the Early Modern Period"

January 29Workshop  Nadera Kevorkian (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), One Week Visitor, Topic: "Judicial Conceptions of Female Child Sexual Abuse in Jordan", Commentator: Tom Lyon

January 30Discussion Nadera Kevorkian (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Topic: "Parallel Legal Systems and Virginity Tests"

February 4Workshop Judith Levine (Author of "Harmful to Minors"), (co-sponsored by Center for Feminist Research), Panel Discussion: "Crimes of Passion: Statutory Rape & the Ambiguities of Sexual Consent", Commentators: Thomas Lyon (USC Law School), Jim Kincaid (USC English Dept.)

February 14-15Conference  "Making  Remaking, and Unmaking of Modern Marriage" (To be held at the Davidson Conference Center, USC)

February 18Workshop Helena Michie (Rice University, English Dept.), One Week Visitor, Topic: "Marriage and its Privacies: From Hardwicke to the Honeymoon"

February 19Discussion Graduate Student Discussion, Helena Michie (Rice University, English Dept.) Topic: "Honeymoons and the Romance of the Archive"

February 21Workshop Jasonne O' Brien (Fairleigh-Dickinson University), (co-sponsored by History Department), Topic: "Lest Justice Fail': Medieval Reprisals and the International Criminal Court"

March 5Workshop Jared Diamond (UCLA, Geography Dept.), (Joint workshop with the USC Center for Interdisciplinary Research, CLEO & the Birnkrant Economic Development Seminar), Topic: "Why are Some Countries Rich, and Others Poor?"

March 25Workshop Bert Lockwood (Univ. of Cincinnati School of Law), Topic: "What Would Eleanor Think" (CANCELED)

April 3Lecture  Law & Humanities Lecture, Morton Horwitz (Harvard Law School), Topic: "The Warren Court and the Democratic Vision: The Promise of the Reapportionment Cases", Commentator: Catherine Fisk (Loyola Law School)

April 22

Workshop Samuel R. Gross (Univ. of Michigan), Topic: "Racial Profiling, Before and After September 11"




Faculty Travel Grants Information - The deadline for grants for travel between May 17 - September 1 is April 5, 2003.