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Saks Institute Symposium 2012

USC Gould School of Law

"Psychotropic Medication and the Law"

Thursday, March 22, 2012
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, March 23, 2012
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

USC Law Faculty Lounge (Room 433)

USC Gould School of Law
University of Southern California
699 Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90089

If you wish to attend, RSVP to Christopher Schnieders at [email protected]
For more information, please call (213) 740-5714

There will be no CEU credits available at the Symposium.

Thursday, March 22, 2012 - Morning Session



8:30-9:00 am

Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:10 am

Opening remarks by Elyn Saks and Scott Altman
Elyn Saks, Director of the Saks Institute and USC Law Professor
Scott Altman, Vice Dean and USC Law Professor


Session One: Research

Introduction by Peter Blanck
Chairman, Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University

9:10-9:35 am

Herbert Meltzer
Northwestern Medicine
Development and Utilization of Drugs for Treating Psychotic Disorders
Media: Video

9:40-10:05 am

Stephen Marder
UCLA Medicine
Conflict of Interest and Medical Research
Media: Video

10:10-10:35 am

Q & A Panel with Herbert Meltzer and Stephen Marder
Moderated by Peter Blanck
Media: Panel Video 1 | Panel Video 2


Session Two

Introduction by Peter Blanck

10:40-11:05 am

Stephen Morse
University of Penn Law and Department of Psychiatry
Fictive Diagnostic Categories and Legal Relevance: The Case
of Involuntary Psychotropic Medication in Criminal Justice

Media: Video

11:05-11:20 am

Q & A Panel with Stephen Morse
Moderated by Peter Blanck

11:20-11:35 am



Session Three: Reservations about Medication

11:40 am-12:05 pm

Coni Kalinowski
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Another perfect storm: Factors contributing to the overvaluation of medications as a treatment for psychiatric disorders
Media: Video

12:05am-12:20 pm

Q & A with Coni Kalinowski
Moderated by Elyn Saks

12:20-1:30 pm


Thursday, March 22, 2012 - Afternoon Session




Session Four: Special Populations

1:30-1:55 pm

Christopher Thompson
Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health
Mental Health and Medication Issues in Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Media: Video

2:00-2:25 pm

Kathleen West
The Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families,
USC School of Social Work
Psychotropic Medication Issues in Military and Veterans: Public Health Implications
Media: Video

2:30-2:55 pm

Q & A Panel with Christopher Thompson and Kathleen West
Moderated by Elyn Saks
Media: Video

3:00-3:15 pm



Session Five: Right to Refuse: The Standard

3:15-3:35 pm

Howard Zonana
Yale University Department of Psychiatry, Law & Psychiatry Division
CST and forced medications on both ends of the spectrum of capital cases as well as misdemeanor cases
Media: Video


Christopher Slobogin
Vanderbilt Law
Sell's Conundrums
Media: Video

4:10-4:35 pm

Q & A Panel with Howard Zonana and Christopher Slobogin
Moderated by Elyn Saks
Media: Panel Video 1 | Panel Video 2

Friday, March 23, 2012 - Morning Session



8:30-9:00 am

Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:10 am

Opening remarks by Elyn Saks
Director of the Saks Institute and USC Law professor


Session Six: Consumers

9:10-9:25 am

Frank Baron
Consumer, Los Angeles
Medication and Counseling Saved My Life
Media: Video

9:30-9:55 am

Pat Risser
Consumer, Ohio
Primum non nocere and how many are an acceptable loss?
Media: Video


Sanjeet Sihota
Consumer, Los Angeles
Media: Video

10:15-10:40 am

Q & A Panel with Frank Baron, Sanjeet Sihota and Pat Risser
Moderated by Rosie Mestel, LA Times Health and Science Editor
Media: Video


Session Seven: The Broader View

10:45-11:10 am

Robert "Bo" Burt
Yale Law
Mental Illness and the Civil Rights Paradigm: Implications for Psychotropic Medication
Media: Video

11:10-11:25 am

Q & A with Bo Burt
Moderated by Rosie Mestel, LA Times Health and Science Editor

11:30-11:45 am



Keynote Speaker

11:45am-12:30 pm

Kitty Dukakis
A Light in the Darkness
Media: Video

12:30-1:00 pm

Q & A with Kitty Dukakis and Michael Dukakis
Moderated by Rosie Mestel, LA Times Health and Science Editor

1:00-2:00 pm
