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3Ls Triumph at Softball Tournament

USC Gould School of Law • March 8, 2012
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Story by James Bradicich
Photos by Ata Farhadi

The USC Law Class of 2012 proved victorious for the third year in a row at the 48th Annual Law School Softball Tournament at USC’s Cromwell Field.

At the tournament, L.L.M.s, 1Ls, 2Ls and 3Ls were overheard laughing, socializing and cheering each other on. Ultimately the 3Ls prevailed and won 6-2 in the championship round against the 2Ls.
"The softball tournament was a great way of bringing all the classes together for some friendly competition,” said 2L Class President Dilveer Vahali, one of the organizers of the event. “It was nice to see colleagues outside of the traditional classroom setting, competing in something other than academics.”

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