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California Supreme Court Ruling on Prop. 8

USC Gould School of Law • July 9, 2009

Contact: Gilien Silsby
(213) 740-9690 (office)
(213) 500-8673 (cellular)


California Supreme Court Ruling on Prop. 8

USC Legal Experts Available

DAVID B. CRUZ:  expert in constitutional, civil rights and sexual orientation law. Cruz may be reached at (213) 740-9690 or

KIM BUCHANAN:  expert on race, gender and sexual regulation. Buchanan may be reached at (310) 740-4088 (cellular) or
KAREEM CRAYTON:  expert on law, politics and civil rights. Crayton can be reached at (213) 740-2516; (213) 446-8800 (cellular) or

DARIA ROITHMAYR:  expert on race and gender. Roithmayr can be reached at (213) 740-6228; (310) 367-1295 (cellular) or

JOHN MATSUSAKA: president of the Initiative and Referendum Institute at USC. Matsusaka may be reached at (213) 740-0678 or
CLARE PASTORE:  expert on civil rights. Pastore may be reached at (213) 821-4410; (323) 717-2856 or

Discussion topics:
     *The passage of California's Prop. 8 and its legal ramifications.
     *The social ramifications of Prop. 8.
     *What impact will it have on the rest of the nation?
     *How race and gender played a role in the passage of Prop. 8.
     *The reasoning behind the majority and dissenting opinions in the Prop 8 challenge

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