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Program puts Undergrads on Fast Track to Law School

USC Gould School of Law • July 15, 2014
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The 3+3 program allows select Trojans to complete their undergraduate and law school studies in a total of six years

-By Gilien Silsby

In a move to create additional opportunities for the best and brightest USC undergraduates on campus, USC Gould will begin admitting a select group of USC seniors in the fall.

The program, known as 3+3, will allow select students to complete their undergraduate and law school studies in a total of six years. The USC students would apply for law school as juniors, and, if accepted, enroll at USC Gould the following year. After one year of law school, students will earn their bachelor’s degree and after another two years, their law degree. They will not be required to take the Law School Admission Test for admittance.

Dean Robert K. Rasmussen said the 3+3 program will offer  Trojan undergrads a top-quality legal education at USC

“The 3+3 program will enable the best USC undergraduates to stay at USC for law school and take advantage of being in Los Angeles, the country’s second-largest legal market,” said Chloe Reid, associate dean for admissions and financial aid at USC Gould. “It is a highly selective program for those students who can tackle the rigors of academic life at one of the country’s leading law schools. Students who are set on the legal profession will find these aspects very appealing.”

The program, which is open to all majors, requires a minimum GPA of 3.8, strong faculty recommendations, a personal statement, an interview, multiple writing samples and the completion of required major coursework by junior year.

As part of the program, students must complete their major requirements by junior year. This program augments the traditional route from undergrad to law school.

“Of course, there will still be a significant number of USC undergraduates who apply to law schools in the usual manner, in their senior year,” Reid said. “However, for those students who know they want to pursue a legal career from early in their education, and who are ready for graduate-level work in their senior year, this program creates a unique opportunity.”

USC Gould will admit a select group of USC seniors in the fall

Dean Robert K. Rasmussen said that USC Gould is known as an innovator in legal education, and the 3+3 program is the latest example of that.

“Law schools know that they need to be creative and forward thinking when it comes to legal education,” he said. “We are extremely excited to offer this program to Trojans who want to continue their academic careers here.

“USC is the most exciting and dynamic research university in the country,” he added. “Our undergraduate students appreciate our academic strength and the unrivaled strength of the Trojan Family. This program is yet another way to add flexibility to those seeking a top-quality legal education.”

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