Contact: Gilien Silsby, USC Gould School of Law News Service, (213) 740-9690 (office) (213) 500-8673 (cell) or
Uber Technologies, Amazon and Google Executives
Join International Regulators at
USC’s Global Antitrust Enforcement Conference
Friday, January 13
WHAT: Matters of transparency, due process and comity - all of which have been at issue in investigations worldwide involving high-tech companies in the antitrust context - will be discussed and debated at USC’s Center for Transnational Law and Business’ inaugural conference on Antitrust Enforcement in a Global Context.
WHO: Greg McCurdy of Uber Technologies; Michael Lawrence of Google and Andrew DeVore of Amazon will moderate panel discussions on issues and challenges that companies face in addressing global antitrust enforcement. Panelists include regulators from several international jurisdictions, in-house counsel, and law firm attorneys.
Leading experts at the conference include Maureen Ohlhausen, Commissioner of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission; Hideo Nakajima, Secretary General of the Japan Fair Trade Commission; Vicky Eatrides, Deputy Commissioner of the Canadian Competition Bureau; Andy Chen, Former Commissioner, Taiwan Fair Trade Commission; Lynda Marshall, Acting Chief, Foreign Commerce Section of the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division; and Yiqin Zhao, Director of Economic Inspection Division, Competition Enforcement Bureau, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, China.
WHEN: Friday, January 13. The doors open for registration at 8 a.m. at USC Gould School of Law, with the conference beginning at 8:45 a.m.
WHERE: Registration will take place in the East Lobby of the Law Building.
COST: Free. Media should contact Gilien Silsby at 213-500-8673 for parking information.
CLE CREDITS: USC Gould School of Law, a State Bar of California-approved provider, certifies that the conference on January 13, 2017 qualifies for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit in the amount of 6 hours.
QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION: For more information and a comprehensive description of the event, please go to:
For further information, please email Brian Peck, director of the Center for Transnational Law and Business, at
Join International Regulators at
USC’s Global Antitrust Enforcement Conference
Friday, January 13
WHAT: Matters of transparency, due process and comity - all of which have been at issue in investigations worldwide involving high-tech companies in the antitrust context - will be discussed and debated at USC’s Center for Transnational Law and Business’ inaugural conference on Antitrust Enforcement in a Global Context.
WHO: Greg McCurdy of Uber Technologies; Michael Lawrence of Google and Andrew DeVore of Amazon will moderate panel discussions on issues and challenges that companies face in addressing global antitrust enforcement. Panelists include regulators from several international jurisdictions, in-house counsel, and law firm attorneys.
Leading experts at the conference include Maureen Ohlhausen, Commissioner of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission; Hideo Nakajima, Secretary General of the Japan Fair Trade Commission; Vicky Eatrides, Deputy Commissioner of the Canadian Competition Bureau; Andy Chen, Former Commissioner, Taiwan Fair Trade Commission; Lynda Marshall, Acting Chief, Foreign Commerce Section of the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division; and Yiqin Zhao, Director of Economic Inspection Division, Competition Enforcement Bureau, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, China.
WHEN: Friday, January 13. The doors open for registration at 8 a.m. at USC Gould School of Law, with the conference beginning at 8:45 a.m.
WHERE: Registration will take place in the East Lobby of the Law Building.
COST: Free. Media should contact Gilien Silsby at 213-500-8673 for parking information.
CLE CREDITS: USC Gould School of Law, a State Bar of California-approved provider, certifies that the conference on January 13, 2017 qualifies for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit in the amount of 6 hours.
QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION: For more information and a comprehensive description of the event, please go to:
For further information, please email Brian Peck, director of the Center for Transnational Law and Business, at