March 28, 2019
USC Gould School of Law’s Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal presents Sanctuary Cities: Safeguarding Constitutional Protections During a Hostile Administration. The symposium includes scholars who have researched timely immigration topics, as well as representatives from local government and advocacy agencies discussing the future of sanctuary cities. Research topics include the implementation of SB 54, the California “sanctuary state” law; the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement strategy; and policies in Rust Belt cities that encourage or discourage immigration.
WHEN: Thursday, March 28, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. PT.
WHERE: USC Gould School of Law Faculty Lounge, 4th Floor (map and directions).
WHAT: The conference consists of two panel discussions.
Panel One, Researching Enforcement, Federalism and Sanctuary Cities covers scholarly research into sanctuary policies, as well as the subtle challenges to legal migration introduced by the Trump Administration while attention has been focused on the wall issue, and why violations of sanctuary laws have continued.
Panel Two, Advocating for the Rights of Immigrants, focuses on the future of sanctuary cities and what actions can be taken to protect the constitutional rights of undocumented individuals, including potential state and national legislation, recent judicial opinions and grassroots action.
The event is co-hosted by the USC Immigrants and Global Migration Initiative and USC Dornsife Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration.
PARKING: Figueroa St. parking structure recommended – beside the USC Hotel on the northeast corner of Figueroa St. and Exposition Blvd. For information on additional USC parking lots and directions, go to
Breakfast and Check-In: 8:30-9 a.m.
Opening Remarks – 9:00-09:15 a.m.
Andrew T. Guzman, Dean – USC Gould School of Law
Prof. Manuel Pastor, Co-Director – USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII)
PANEL ONE 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. – Researching Enforcement, Federalism, and Sanctuary Cities
Moderator: Prof. Ingrid Eagly, UCLA School of Law
Prof. Ming Hsu Chen, University of Colorado Law School
Prof. Kit Johnson, University of Oklahoma College of Law
Dr. Peter Mancina, University of Oxford
Dr. Emily Shrider, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANEL TWO 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. – Advocating for the Rights of Immigrants
Moderator: Elle Fersan, Director, USC Immigrants and Global Migration Initiative (IGMI)
Dr. Linda Lopez, Chief, Office of Immigrant Affairs, LA Mayor’s Office
Prof. Jean Reisz, USC Gould School of Law
Layla Razavi, California Immigrant Policy Center
Lulú Ortiz, Fronterizx Fianza Fund and National Bail Fund Network
Lunch with Panelists – 12:15-1:00 p.m.