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USC Law’s Real Estate Forum, Wednesday, March 2

USC Gould School of Law • February 25, 2011
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 Pat Haden, USC Athletic Director, is keynote speaker

By Gilien Silsby

Real Estate leaders and local public officials will offer real-world strategies for tackling industry challenges at the annual USC Law Real Estate Law and Business Forum on Wednesday, March 2. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Thriving Now and Forecasting the Future.”

“This year’s real estate symposium promises to one of our best,” said USC Law Prof. George Lefcoe, a real estate expert. “We have attracted top real estate professionals who will provide insight on a variety of important issues including  overcoming legal pitfalls to maximize the success of projects, discovering opportunities in today’s marketplaces and assessing what the industry’s future holds.”
Pat Haden, USC Athletic Director, will deliver the lunchtime keynote address.

The one-day conference will provide a series of breakout sessions on the following topics:
·       The Expanding Role of Preferred Equity in Rescuing Commercial Properties
·       $1.3 Trillion in Failed CMBS: The Coming Tsunami
·       Changing Face of Retail: The New Consumer and Fewer Tenants
in a New Economy
·       Commonly Overlooked – But Very Important – Calculation Issues on
Joint Ventures and Preferred Equity
·      Office and Commercial Leasing and Bankruptcy: 2011 Edition
·      Trends in Land Use & Development Track
·      New Developments in Smart Growth, Transit-Oriented Development and Sustainable Communities Strategies: The Impact of SB 375
·      Securitized and Structured Financing Going Forward
·      The Failing Real Estate Project
·       Financing Strategies for Renewable Energy Projects

Prof. Lefcoe will moderate the opening session, “Forecasting Trends and Pricing Risks in U.S. Commercial Real Estate Markets.” The discussion features Sam Chandan, Ph.D. (Global Chief Economist, Real Capital Analytics, New York), Sally Gordon, Ph.D. (Managing Director, BlackRock, New York) and Professor Glenn Mueller (Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate & Construction Management, University of Denver).

Austin Beutner, Los Angeles’ director of planning and deputy mayor for Economic and Business Policy, will participate in a roundtable discussion on “Development Reform in Troubled Times.” He joins a panel of prominent real estate professionals to discuss reform of real estate development processes to help re-start investment in real estate and construction across Southern California. The panel will discuss the challenging current climate for real estate development, streamlining development approvals to bring in new businesses, and new initiatives to reduce development-processing times and improve outcomes. The panel will identify what cities across Southern California are doing to improve real estate development and investment, and will offer practical solutions to the challenges of getting development entitlements and starting construction in challenging times.
Glenn Sonnenberg (President, Latitude Management Real Estate Investors) will lead a panel of national financiers in the session, “Real Estate Financing Sources in the Post-Crash Market.”  Who has the capital, what deals they are doing and how preferred properties and terms vary among the various types of financiers in the market will be discussed with John Busillo (Arnold & Porter, New York), Chip Fedalen (EVP, Wells Fargo Bank Real Estate Banking Group), Jeff Friedman (Co-Founder, Co-CEO, Mesa West Capital), John Menne (Managing Director, MetLife Real Estate Investments) and Randall Rothschild (Managing Director, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, New York).
The symposium will take place from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the Jonathan Town Club Hotel in Los Angeles.

The event is free for the media.

Others may register by going to:

To download a full programming brochure, go to:

 For more information, contact USC Law Continuing Legal Education at 213-743-1772.   


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