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Course Descriptions

Divorce and Family Mediation LAW-853

In this course, students learn the theory and practice required to successfully navigate through a range of family law issues, including divorce, property, support, complex custody issues and other issues particular to families in conflict. Students will explore the many factors that affect and inform the mediation process, including procedure, power, culture, personality, and ethics, and will learn how to effectively facilitate a family law mediation through simulations, demonstrations, complex analysis, and discussion, based on real-life scenarios.  With a balanced blend of theory and practice, this course is designed to provide advanced level mediation training to future family law mediators and lawyers and develop transferrable dispute resolution skills for all class participants.
Course Details
Units 1, 2, 3, 4
Grading Options Numeric or CR/D/F
Exam Type Paper, Mediation Simulations
Writing Requirement No
Skills/Experiential Requirement Yes
Enrollment Limit 20

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