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Stereotypes, Prejudice and the Rule of Law LAW-726

The “N-word” is used as a term of art in the readings for this class, and it will be analyzed in class discussions.

In our time together, we will discuss and critically evaluate Critical Race Theory, the Black Lives Matter movement, the relationship between the N-Word controversy and ordinary language philosophy (Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, George Lakoff), the moral luck phenomenon in law and everyday life, unconscious bias, the social construction of black criminals, law and literature, legal philosophy, political theory, and art and justice. To underscore the relevance and urgency of these issues, we will constantly relate them to current events such as the coronavirus crisis and contemporary social, legal, and political controversies. Because the relationship between art and justice in a central theme of my latest book titled “N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law,” Leila Steinberg and artists from Microphone Sessions and Aim4TheHeart will participate in our seminar. Speakers from the ACLU and other social justice organizations will also regularly join us.

Course Details
Units 2, 3
Grading Options Numerical, CR/D/F
Exam Type No exam
Writing Requirement Satisfies Gould’s writing requirement with enrollment in the 3 unit section which must be taken for a numerical grade
Skills/Experiential Requirement No

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