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Spaces and Facilities

USC Gould School of Law

A dramatic expansion of, and upgrade to, USC Gould's facilities is essential to accommodate programmatic enhancements as well as our growing number of students and faculty.

Building Fund

In 1990-91, when the current law building was expanded and renovated, USC Gould had 600 students. While our JD program remains the same size, our robust graduate and certificate programs have grown exponentially along with our new undergraduate offerings, resulting in a combined student body of 1,300 on-campus students.

The design of the new building will provide the USC Gould School of Law with the environment and resources it requires to excel in the 21st century, including:

  • Additional 55,000 square feet of space, located directly west of the current building to accommodate current and future growth;
  • Six-story building shared with the USC School of Pharmacy, which will occupy one floor;
  • A signature main entrance that provides a welcoming front door to both current and prospective students;
  • A central gathering space on the ground floor that creates a welcoming environment and makes USC Gould a compelling destination for the USC community;
  • State-of-the-art classrooms that will return the USC Gould School of Law to the forefront of technology-enhanced teaching and learning;
  • Relocation of the Cafe, providing a better student experience inclusive of an improved food service environment;
  • Expanded small-group workspaces and meeting areas that will facilitate collaboration;
  • Improved access to student-facing offices, including Admission and Financial Aid;
  • Increased and more prominent space for student-run organizations and clinics; and
  • Enhanced connection to campus life through interiors will reflect the USC identity and offer greater access to surrounding green spaces.

Your gift will ensure we are able to move forward with and complete this much-needed project.