Richard Kendall, founder and managing partner of Kendall, Brill and Kelly LLP, was named to The Hollywood Reporter’s “power lawyers” list

Law school was the first academic pursuit in which I really applied myself, because I found it both fascinating and challenging. I became a far more confident student once I learned the benefits of intense research and preparation. That lesson guided the rest of my career.
What professional accomplishment from the past year would you consider to be the most interesting, or that you’re proudest of?
It has been a year of interesting trials and arbitrations, and some notable victories, but most recently I took on the defense of a law firm in a highly charged professional liability case that was spinning out of control. Our team developed new arguments that substantially strengthened our clients’ position, and we brought the case quickly to a satisfactory resolution.
What advice would you give current Gould students as they prepare for their careers?
Don’t be afraid to take a path outside BigLaw. After clerking I spent five years as a criminal prosecutor before entering private practice. The salary wasn’t great, but it was the best possible way for an aspiring litigator to get started in the profession.