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Praises for Lord

USC Gould School of Law • August 29, 2008
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—By Maria Iacobo

Warning: what you are about to read may make you wonder how productively you spend your time.

More than 20,000 faculty requests for books and articles have been sent to Hazel Lord in her 18 years at the USC Law Library. These inquires have been fulfilled so quickly that it would seem “speedy” is Hazel’s middle name.

There’s more.

Hazel and her department have managed the delivery of over 16,000 documents and about 12,000 inter-library loan requests.

“I oversee library statistics,” says Leonette Williams. “These figures were counted and verified by me. They are not an exaggeration.”

All of which may make you wonder how many people they will need to hire to do Hazel’s work now that she is retiring.

Library staff held a farewell reception for Hazel last week to thank her for her service, friendship and accomplishments. Surrounded by faculty, staff, friends and family, Hazel’s career at USC was recognized before Hazel herself stood at the podium and shared her career highlights.

A native of New Zealand, Hazel came to the U.S. with her husband in 1963. That same year she began at USC as head of the Dental Library and was later promoted to the Science Library where she was instrumental in developing the building program for the Seaver Science and Engineering Library.

“At the time, it seemed strange to ask a young person to think twenty years ahead,” said Hazel. But, 40 years later, the building still serves the USC community.

In 1968 Hazel took an extended leave to raise her three children; she returned to USC as a reference librarian for the undergraduate library in 1985.

In 1990 Hazel joined the law school as head of the Access Services Department where she has remained with the goal to expeditiously deliver information, however obscure and from whatever source, to the law faculty and students.

Associate Dean Albert BrechtWhen her detective skills are not being put to use, Hazel has reorganized and weeded through 400 of the library’s bound journals and supervised the reorganization of the microfiche collection (over 200,000 pieces) among other projects. In 2004, she completed the Subject Guide to Secondary Legal Sources in the USC Law Library, an extensive 285 page bibliography divided into 137 subject areas. Last year she compiled a new bibliography for the guide.

“I have found working in the law school a very intellectually stimulating and professionally satisfying experience,” says Hazel. “For this I need to thank not only our Library Director, Albert Brecht, but also the four deans under whom I have worked - Scott Bice, Matt Spitzer, Ed McCaffery and Bob Rasmussen. They have made this a very special place, not only for the quality of the research and teaching which goes on but also for the atmosphere of caring and friendship which I have really come to appreciate over the years.”

Brecht, who hired Hazel, says she is “the best. She’s smart, diplomatic and she loves helping people.”
Lord with USC Law library staff
And, noting the many staff that have enjoyed working for her over the years, he quotes one who recounted: “It’s good to work for the Lord.”


One of Hazel’s most recent accomplishments is the launch earlier this year of her wiki English Medieval Legal Documents A.D. 600 – A.D. 1535: A compilation of Published Sources. The wiki – created at the suggestion of Professor Daniel Klerman, an English legal history scholar – has logged more than 216,000 hits to date. In retirement, Hazel says she is looking forward to maintaining the wiki and happily notes it has earned her the nickname “Wiki Woman.”

She also plans to spend more time with her grandchildren, increase time working in her garden and trying yoga. And, she hasn’t given up librarian work entirely; she has already signed on as the librarian for her 60-voice choir.Lord with USC Law Librarians

Quotes from the law faculty expressing their appreciation of Hazel:

“… you really do make my life so much easier through your tremendous efforts.” —David Cruz

“Thanks! I am so impressed by and grateful for your amazing efficiency!” —Catherine Fisk

“You’re amazing. This is so helpful.” —Ron Garet

“Many thanks for getting those books and articles so quickly. I really appreciate your ability to fill these occasional rush requests. It makes my work (and life) much easier. —Dan Klerman

“Wow, you folks continue to amaze… Thanks!” —Karen Lash

“Congratulations on your creativity and stick-to-it-ness – and thank you.” —Marty Levine

“Thanks for tracking down the paper from the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health (which I only knew was written by a Carleton University Professor). The paper looks great; I very much appreciate your detective work!” —Tom Lyon

“Thanks so much for helping me to get my two law review articles ready for publication… I couldn’t have done it without you!” —Nancy Marder

“Thank you very much. I think I have enough – plenty! – without the casebook. Many thanks.” —Edward McCaffery

“Thank you so much, speedy!” —Clare Pastore

“As always Hazel, I value the good working relationship we have and appreciate all of your input and ideas for improving the quality of service we offer in the library.” —Brian Raphael

“Thanks for all your help on this. You don’t know how much of a difference it made for me I think the quality of my work has boosted up to a whole new level because of you two!” —Daria Roithmayr

“Terrific—thanks so much for working so fast on such short notice! As usual, you all are stars!” —Elyn Saks

“Good work. You have many talents and I hope you keep writing for all your multiple audiences.” —Mike Shapiro

“Another by the way: the service you provide is superb. Thanks.” —Dan Simon

“… And thanks for the amazingly speedy response on the other articles – such a big help. … I must say, the level of support from the USC Law Library is very impressive. But you’ve probably heard that before!” —Martin Stone

“Thanks so much for the books. One could get used to being treated so well!” —Adam Winkler

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