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USC Law holds Real Estate Symposium tomorrow

USC Gould School of Law • March 24, 2009

Contact: USC Law News Service, (213) 740-9690
Gilien Silsby, (213) 500-8673 (cell)

Colony Capital Founder Thomas Barrack to Headline
2009 Real Estate Law and Business Forum
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25

WHAT: The USC Gould School of Law is hosting the 2009 Real Estate Law and Business Forum, a one-day conference for real estate professionals in Southern California.

Top names in real estate law and business will discuss current industry trends and provide tips to help survive in and exploit the current market. Panel topics range from California traffic problems to green and sustainable real estate issues to dealing with lenders in tough economic times.

WHO: Thomas J. Barrack, Jr., founder, chairman, and CEO of Colony Capital, LLC, will deliver the keynote address. Barrack has invested approximately $38 billion in assets around the globe and has produced internal rates of return in excess of 20 percent for more than 17 years. Barrack’s company currently employs 30,000 and spans 14 cities and 11 countries. Barrack will discuss capital market trends in the current economic landscape. Questions are welcome.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 25, beginning at 7:30 am. Luncheon and keynote presentation at 12:30 pm.

WHERE: The Millennium Biltmore Hotel, 506 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90071, (213) 624-1011

COST: Free for the media. Cost is $395 for the general public and $100 for full-time law students.

MORE INFORMATION AND PROGRAM SCHEDULE: Call USC Law School’s Continuing Legal Education office at (213) 743-1772 or visit

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