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USC Law Hosts Conference on Empirical Legal Studies

USC Gould School of Law • November 13, 2009
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The USC Gould School of Law has always been at the forefront of legal scholarship, the latest evidence of which can be seen Nov. 20 and 21, when USC Law becomes the fourth school to host the Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS).

The field of empirical legal studies involves analyzing real-world data and experimental evidence to explore complex legal issues, as opposed to simply theorizing about them. Although empirical research is not a new idea to the sciences, its extension into legal scholarship has developed only over the last decade.

“We are very excited to host this conference,” Prof. Daniel Klerman, one of the conference’s co-chairs. “The conference will include an extremely distinguished and diverse group of law professors, economists, political scientists, psychologists, and others who bring a wide range of perspectives to the law. The papers will address nearly all legal subjects, from Administrative and Corporate Law to Securities Law and Torts.”

Professors and junior scholars alike have submitted work that will be presented, discussed and debated at the conference.

Competition for presentation slots was intense: of the 425 papers submitted, only 132 were selected for oral discussion, and another 80 will be displayed at a poster session, Klerman said.

The conference will begin on Friday, Nov. 20, with a continental breakfast followed by panels on empirical methods at 10 a.m. Lunch will be provided at 11:30 a.m., and regular panels will begin at 1 p.m. At 5:15 p.m., there will be a reception and poster session. The conference will continue on Saturday, Nov. 21, with a continental breakfast followed by morning panels from 9 a.m. to 12:35 p.m., a keynote address luncheon, and afternoon panels from 2:25 to 6 p.m. Students may attend the conference at no charge and do not have to be members of the Society for Empirical Legal Studies.

For more information call 213-821-1239.

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