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Alumni Spotlight: Djallon Dinwiddie

USC Gould School of Law • December 9, 2019
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An essential element of USC Gould School of Law’s success is the supportive community fostered among its students around the world. These strong bonds which tie together the Gould Trojan Family fuel the impact and influence of the school’s programs online and on campus.

Meet Djallon Dinwiddie (MSL ‘19). In the Q&A below, she shares what made her choose the Master of Studies in Law (MSL) Program online at USC Gould, the impact on her career and her most memorable experiences as a student.

 Djallon Dinwiddie MSL ‘19

What sparked your interest in learning about law?
The law is my passion. My entire professional, pro bono, social activism and educational background is committed to the law. Since I was young, I have always been passionate about the law, government, leadership, the preservation of the law and equal access to the law and legal studies. I am grateful and proud of a lifetime of legal contribution and activism. All of this experience prepared me to enroll and excel in the USC program.

What made you pursue an MSL degree in particular, and why at USC Gould?
My dream and goal are to continue to advance my educational legal credentials. However, placing my career and income on hold was not an option. USC allowed me to continue my legal career while simultaneously earning an advance degree from a top-tier university. I was able to advance in my career and pro bono contributions and broaden my career in a competitive market. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a member of the Trojan Family.

What is the most memorable experience or learning from your USC studies?
There are a few memorable experiences! The acceptance letter, the professors, the academic advisors, the financial aid office, the Trojan Family, the collaboration with fellow brilliant students who challenge your conclusions. Graduating and participating in the ceremony on campus was the culmination of all of the memorable experiences.

How has your MSL from USC Gould given you an advantage for your career? How will it help you in your next role?
Education is one key to open the door to your dreams. The legal field is a competitive environment, and graduating from USC provided me the opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Graduating reaffirmed my resolve to move forward and achieve every dream. I am now in a position which combines all of my passions: education, law, community service, advocacy, collaboration and self-improvement. The future remains bright, thank you USC!

What advice do you have for students who may be interested in following a similar path to yours?
If you are ready to advance your academic credentials, have the drive, the ambition and the openness to be challenged, do not hesitate. USC Gould is the university for you. Fight ON!

Learn more about the Online MSL here:
DJ also earned concurrent certificates in Business Law and Entertainment Law and Industry  

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