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Ten Guiding Principles

USC Gould School of Law

As the Institutional Vision offers the spirit and why of our work, The Guiding Principles serve as our what we do cornerstones: they are the interrelated building blocks of our Institute that focus attention, clarify intention, and keep us centered on true north. To better life for people with mental illness and promote a society with greater mental health:

  • We engage in interdisciplinary and integrative scholarship using diversity of methodological approaches to produce and publish research around issues of mental illness and mental health so as to support all persons in living their fuller and expanded human potentials.
  • We are a “think tank” developing new and innovative ways of thinking about legal and ethical issues that arise in the context of mental health and delivery of mental health services.
  • We serve as a “go-to” place, an unbiased information source for the media, the public, and those on the ground who care and advocate for the rights of persons with mental illness.
  • We foster conversation, collaboration, and partnerships among professionals and consumers -- private, non-profit, corporate and government agencies -- involved in implementing services to support mental wellness in communities, regions, and nations.
  • We propose public policy changes that better serve mental health communities by recommending cost-effective prevention and treatment services.
  • We educate students regarding the legal, political, psychological, and ethical issues involved in supporting the rights of persons with mental illness and providing mental health services.
  • We put a “face” on mental illness, dissolving stigma through promoting dignity for all human beings and enhancing a collective public awareness about how mental suffering affects not one but all.
  • We respect and value one another and expect our actions and decisions to be mindful, ethical, and ultimately to enhance the quality of life.
  • We welcome multiple voices to the conversation and consider grantees and board members to be valued advisors as we seek the greater good for our beneficiaries.
  • We evaluate progress and assess outcomes to be responsible scholars and stewards and to further our own growth and transformation.