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Alumni Spotlight: Jonathan Larsen

USC Gould School of Law • June 24, 2022
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Meet Jonathan Larsen (MSL 2019), principal and managing director at the global commercial real estate company, Avison Young where he is a member of the US Executive Committee, and runs day-to-day operations for the Los Angeles office. In the Q&A below, he shares why he chose to pursue the online Master of Studies in Law (MSL) degree with a Business Law Certificate at USC Gould and how it gave him an advantage in his own career.

“Graduating from the USC Gould School of Law, a top 20 law school three years ago with a Master of Studies in Law with a Business Law Certificate has provided me increased legal credibility in my role as a commercial real estate executive and in my contract negotiations representing global organizations. The flexibility and scheduling of the curriculum well into my career made it manageable to obtain my Master of Studies in Law while working full time. Being part of the USC Trojan family has opened many doors socially and professionally.”

What sparked your interest in learning about law?
I had originally intended to go to law school, but after graduating from my undergraduate studies, I started working in commercial real estate and never looked back.

What made you pursue an MSL degree in particular, and why at USC Gould?
I was particularly interested in the flexibility and scheduling of the curriculum (most classes are offered in the evenings and the academic week runs Wednesday through Tuesday) along with the fact that USC Gould is a top-ranked law school in the United States.

How was the transition into the MSL program, and how did USC assist you?
The transition was definitely smooth. Professor Anitha Cadambi and Assistant Director Nicholas Kajimoto understood my full-time work schedule as a commercial real estate executive and were very supportive throughout my experience at USC.

What is the most memorable experience or learning from your USC studies?
Definitely Professor Cadambi’s course, Introduction to the U.S. Legal System. We learned why constitutional law is the basis of all law and legal logic.

How has your MSL from USC Gould given you an advantage for your future career? What do you want to do next with your degree?
As a commercial real estate executive, I am on several nonprofit boards and am required to interface with legal professionals on a daily basis. The MSL degree has given me the tools I need to conduct contract negotiations with confidence.

What advice do you have for students who may be interested in following a similar path to yours?
Once you start, just commit 110% to the program. You will be busy so study whenever you can. Good luck!

The Master of Studies in Law offers early-career and seasoned non-lawyer professionals an unparalleled education to better understand complex legal matters. Learn more about USC’s Online MSL and On-Campus MSL in Los Angeles.


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