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Area of Interest

Immigration Law

Explore the breadth and depth of the USC Gould School of Law’s faculty expertise, research impact, thought leadership, and academic program offerings in immigration law.





Faculty in the News

Clinics, Centers and Institutes

Recent Research & Scholarship

  • “Questioning unaccompanied immigrant children: Lessons from developmental science on forensic interviewing” (with Jodi A. Quas), Society for Research in Child Development, Child Evidence Brief No. 6 (2019).

    January 15, 2020
  • Jean Reisz was honored with an appreciation award from Senator Kamala Harris for her outstanding commitment to providing legal assistance to immigrant communities and to her research and work on immigration.

    August 9, 2019
  • Dan Klerman was Session Chair for a Caltech Book Seminar on Ron Harris' "The Birth of the Business Corporation East and West: Eurasian Trade Institutions and their Migration, 1400-1700".


    Thank you.

    September 6, 2018