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Area of Interest

Election Law

Explore the breadth and depth of the USC Gould School of Law’s faculty expertise, research impact, thought leadership, and academic program offerings in election law.





Faculty in the News

Clinics, Centers and Institutes

Recent Research & Scholarship

  • “When It Comes to Electoral Disputes, State Justices are Less Reliable GOP Allies than U.S. Supreme Court Justices — and That's the "Problem" (even a Modified Version of) the Independent State Legislature Claim Hopes to Solve” (with Lee Epstein and Michael Nelson), Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (accepted August 2023, forthcoming 2024).
    October 18, 2023
  • "Dark Money: Origins and Impacts," CLE Midyear Meeting, Dark Money in Judicial Elections: The Growing Influence of Dark Money in the Judicial Selection, American Bar Association.

    March 1, 2021
  • Abby Wood participated as a discussant at the USC Symposium on Election Administration and Technology, USC, Los Angeles, CA.

    March 3, 2020