Spend your final year of legal studies as a visiting student at USC Gould and receive transfer credit to apply back to your home law school. As a visiting student, you will have the opportunity to avail yourself of all USC Gould resources and experience the Trojan network during your studies here.
To be considered for admission as a visiting student at USC Gould, you must:
Visitors are not eligible to receive the JD from USC Gould.
You will be expected to coordinate administrative details regarding bar certification with the registrar at your degree-granting law school.
To apply as a visiting student, complete the Regular Transfer Application online through theΒ Law School Admission Council (LSAC) and select the "visiting" option from the "application type" drop-down menu. The application will become available on May 1, 2025.
To be considered, you must completeΒ the following application components:
Application Deadlines:
Transcripts and certification letters should be emailed toΒ jdtransfertranscript@law.usc.eduΒ or mailed to:
USC Gould School of LawUSC Gould requires a nonrefundable $80 application fee. Fee waivers are not available to visiting applicants.
Decisions regarding visiting students are made between late July and early August. You will be notified via email and postal mail. No admissions decisions will be released over the phone.
Visiting students are not eligible for scholarship support or USC-administered financial aid. Your home institution will process any federal financial aid for which you are eligible. For you to receive federal loans, a consortium agreement must be completed and signed by your home institution and USC Gould.
USC Gould School of Law
699 Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90089-0071
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